Sampling and Testing of Road Construction Materials

A successful seminar/workshop was held in Port Elizabeth on Thursday, 13 August 2015, as a joint venture with the Eastern Cape Region of SARF and the newly formed Eastern Cape branch of the Society for Asphalt Technology (SAT).
The main topics of discussion included:
1. Is sampling critical to the accuracy of test results?
2. Who should be sampling on site and who should be watching out for what?
3. Accreditation of sampling methods and the future of sampling methods.
4. Sampling the product supplied (by quarry or asphalt plant) vs.
the end product (processed
by the contractor), for which the Authority is paying.
5. Who carries the risk?
6. Is the combined laboratory model used by SANRAL working?
7. How critical is a Materials Technician on site?
The meeting commenced at 14:00 and lasted over two hours, with lively discussion/interaction between the delegates and the Discussion Panel, consisting of (refer attached photograph: seated from left to right) Drikus Bester of EAS Consulting, Jim Henderson of Much Asphalt, Sean Strydom of SANRAL, Jeremy Dick of Labco Soils Laboratory and Theo Johannes
(standing) of THJ Konsult.
The full Presentation Team (refer photograph, standing from left to
right) are Jim Henderson (Much
Asphalt), Jeremy Dick (Labco), Sean Strydom (SANRAL), Tronél Candiotes Strydom (SAT EC chairperson), Drikus Bester (EAS), Theo Johannes (THJ Konsult) and John Sponneck (SARF EC Regional Coordinator).
Refreshments sponsored by Labco were enjoyed after the meeting with further informal discussions.

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