Compaction of Road Building Materials
This course is a comprehensive, state of the art course on the compaction of soils, gravels, crushed stone and hot mix asphalt materials. The course has been specially developed to provide a theoretical background as well as practical guidelines for construction site staff.
The course provides essential knowledge for staff from contractors, consulting engineers and road authorities who control and evaluate the compaction of road and earthworks materials. The course is designed to provide the students with a thorough understanding of the theory and techniques of compaction, and it covers all the following aspects:
- The importance of compaction
- Soil classification in relation to compactability
- Principles of soil compaction
- The influence of moisture
- Types of compaction plant
- Practical aspects of compaction
- Evaluation of compaction testing
- Factors affecting compaction of hot mix asphalt (HMA)
- Registration
- The importance of compaction
- The relationship between material
shear strength and density
- Road building materials characteristics
- The influence of moisture and clay
- Revision quiz – Characteristics of
- Questions / Discussion period
- Closure of Day 1
Questions /Discussion period
The principles of compaction
Compaction equipment
Compaction moisture
Compaction of crushed stone base
Density testing
Revision quiz – Compaction of materials
Question / Discussion period
Introduction to asphalt
Factors affecting the compaction of asphalt
Rolling procedures and good practice