Course Overview
The course will handle all practical aspects of the construction process, from material sourcing (specification) through to completion of a G1 Crushed Stone Layer.
There is a New COTO Std Spec to be released in 2020. This has some fundamental changes to what the industry is accustomed to with respect to materials requirements. This course will cover the changes happening that are contained in Chapters 4 and 5 of the new specs. Responsibilities of material suppliers, contractor, consulting engineers and client will also be covered.
Other focus areas of the course will include the following:
Origin and aim of G1 Crushed Stone
Some comparative HVS Test Results
Getting G1 material onto site
Sourcing G1 Material
Acceptance of G1 material on site
Material from existing pavements
Dumping of G1 material onto the road
Construction Process
Construction equipment
Base course edge constraint
Dumping of G1 material onto road
Spreading, watering, mixing and shaping of G1 material
Initial compaction of G1 material
Slush-compaction of G1 material
Final ironing roll of G1 base course
Quality Control
ECSA CPD Service Provider Number: SP_035/2025
1 CPD Point