Traffic Impact Studies: A Complete Step by Step Training course o how to prepare Traffic Impact Studies (3 ECSA CPD)
Traffic Impact Studies (TIS’s) or Traffic Impact Assessments (TIA’s) are critical components that are required for land use planning and land development. Despite the popularity of traffic impact assessments being synonymous with land use development, they are also required when changes to the transport system is being carried out (such as road closures, pedestrianisation of roads, special events, etc.).
Currently there are various manuals and guidelines that are available to carry out a TIS. However, the application of these manuals and guidelines can be a complex task due to various assumptions that are required in the preparation of a TIS. It can therefore be difficult to know how to conduct a TIS and on what assumptions to rely on in the preparation of a TIS. In addition, TIS’s require specific attention to meeting requirements of the client, various authorities and general public and often these are competing requirements that make the preparation of TIS’s complex. This course is therefore intended to provide the delegate with comprehensive training relating to land use development (including aspects of SPLUMA – “The Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013”), traffic engineering technical requirements and the application thereof for preparing TIS’s whilst considering various competing requirements. Moreover, detailed training will be provided relating to land use management and town planning aspects necessary for carrying out a TIS.
This is a unique course whereby both the theoretical aspects and practical application of both traffic engineering and land use planning will be presented in relation to TIS’s. Worked examples will be presented to demonstrate the various technical aspects as well as requiring delegates to carry out exercises for the various aspects required when preparing TIS’s.
This course is designed to discuss the steps involved in preparation and/or review of a TIS report and include specific training on how to be proficient in the various technical requirements for the preparation of a TIS:
- What is a TIS, when is it needed,
- Who should conduct it,
- How to conduct it – the necessary theoretical and practical application covering various technical aspects including land use planning
- How to structure the report and how to review the report.
- The goal is to provide guidelines that can be utilised as a model to prepare and/or review these traffic impact studies
Junior planners and engineers in both public and private sectors responsible for preparation and/or review of Traffic Impact Studies (TIS’s) for developments. Developers as well as officials, who are involved in site planning decision making process, will also benefit from attending this course as well as experienced senior engineers and planners
Site access, Circulation, Parking and Loading
Basic information needed to carry out a prefeasibility of TIS
Understanding town planning documents and requirements essential for the TIS including aspects of SPLUMA
Understanding when and how to use transport planning information for TIS’s
Defining the study area for the TIS
Onsite investigation
Identifying the duration, type and quantity of traffic surveys needed
Estimating the traffic demand for the study
Carry out the necessary modal split – pedestrian, private vehicle and public transport
Categorisations of trips – primary, pass-by, internal, diverted and transferred trips
Trip Distribution and Traffic assignment – models and manual estimation
Traffic Analysis – for various elements of the transport system (freeways, arterials, local roads, intersections, pedestrian, bicycle and public transport)
Mitigation measures
Revash Dookhi
Chief Traffic Engineer @ eThekwini Municipality | Traffic Engineering, Traffic Modelling, Road Safety, Transport Design and Project Management