SARF presents a Road Safety Audit workshop at the 2016 South African Transport Conference at the CSI

Basil Jonsson approached the SATC Organisational Committee and requested a full day slot to present the first Road Safety Audit workshop.  The SATC organising committee requested Basil Jonsson to make a presentation at their meeting on the RSA programme and the presentations.  Basil Jonsson approached Mrs  Motselisi Juma of RTMC to speak on the National Road Safety Strategy followed by Randall Cable Sanral and Stefan Lotter an  independent Road Safety Audit consultant from Malawi.  The highlight for the 60+ delegates who attended the RSA session was watching and listening to a pre-recorded Road Safety Audit presentation by Paul Hillier from the Australian Road Research Board(ARRB).  Paul was not available to travel to South Africa for SATC as he was running a RSA training course in India

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