At the 2015 SARF AGM in Durban the SARF President Neil Tolmie committed to visit all the SARF regions in South Africa during 2016. To date the President visited the Western Cape Region on 25th May.
Neil Tolmie and Basil Jonsson met with the SARF KZN Regional Committee on 20 July at the SMEC office in Westville, the Regional meeting was very well attended and very fruitful discussions were held with regards to the proposed Engineering for Road Safety Seminar scheduled for 8 September and the SARF KZN Regional Seminar that is planned for 14 October. Neil Tolmie had a good discussion session with the Regional Committee with regards to their questions regarding SARF and the way forward for SARF and the Region. Basil Jonsson gave feedback to the committee on the SARF National activities as well as feedback from recent discussions with IRF Â Washington.
Basil Jonsson used the visit to KZN to meet with other SARF members and attend two National SARF courses one in Pietermaritzburg and one in Durban .
SARF ran an in-house 3 day Practical Road Pavement Engineering course for KZN Department of Transport. Dave Wright and Tony Lewis presented a very interactive and thought provoking training course to the 25 KZN DoT engineers and technicians, Basil Jonsson sat in the training course on 19 July. On 20 July Bryan Perrie presented his Concrete Roads course to 18 delegates at the Premier Hotel in Pinetown, Basil Jonsson had the opportunity to welcome the delegates and tell them about SARF and its activities.