About Us
Objectives of the SARF
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Founded in 1950, the South African Road Federation (SARF) is an organisation that provides a meeting point for people across South Africa to share their interest in the local road industry and the administration of roads across the country.
The South African Road Federation (SARF) is an organisation dedicated to the promotion of the road industry in South Africa by dissemination of information, the promotion of sound policies and by education and training. With a primary focus on encouraging the continued development of effective and efficient road systems in South Africa, SARF strives for economic growth in the sector through education and training.
The Federation provides contact between South Africa`s road industry sectors and facilitates the distribution of expertise throughout the diverse disciplines, which have impact and application on the industry.
The Federation is a member of the International Road Federation Global. By liaison with this organisation`s Programme Centre in Washington, the latest developments in road technology, policy and management worldwide are made available to local industry.
In this way, sound policies are promoted by SARF in every aspect of road transport infrastructure and management from geometric design to Road Safety Audits.
Promotion of Roads, Road Transportation & Road Safety
The Federation is committed to the aims and objectives and the scope of activities laid down in its constitution.
PROMOTION of roads and road transportation
- To promote an effective road transport policy at all levels of government
- To originate and promote improvements in road transport policy
- To gain support by cooperation with the IRF
- To advance the Southern African economy by means of a sound road transport industry
- To promote Road Safety in South Africa
EDUCATION AND TRAINING of all those engaged in the road transportation industry
- To hold Road related seminars and conferences
- To provide SARF bursaries and administer IRF Fellowships
- To present courses that offer CPD points and are ECSA and SACPCMP accredited
SARF is the prominent and expert roads organisation in South Africa, and plays a significant role in defining and influencing the sustainable provision of efficient and safe roads.
The objectives reflected in this business plan are based on the outcomes of the strategic session held by SARF in March 2018 attended by members and endorsed at a meeting of the  SARF Council.
To meet the overall objectives, and to facilitate the structure of the plan, the four strategic clusters shown in Table 1 have been identified. Within each cluster a number of strategic focus areas have been identified which form the basis of the development of activity plans, supported by the relevant Council functional committees and, ultimately by Council. The development of these plans will give rise to resource requirements which in turn will translate into budgetary requirements. Clearly there may a need for moderation / revision of the plans from time to time to match the resources of SARF.
Table 1 Strategic clusters and focus areas
A   Stakeholder engagement | 1.    Establish a broad membership base representing road users and providers |
2.    Define membership needs and expectations | |
3.    Dissemination of relevant strategic information in respect of the road sector through regular contact and interaction with the print and electronic media | |
4.    Create opportunities for networking between members and other stakeholders | |
5.    Form alliances to achieve common goals | |
B   Sustainable funding for road provision | 1.    Explore and develop appropriate and sustainable road funding / financing models |
2.    Promote appropriate administration of public funds to enable efficient application in road provision and preservation | |
3.    Create public awareness of the value of adequate and well maintained roads | |
C Safety in road provision and use | 1.     Assemble and disseminate information on the state of road safety |
2.    Learner education through local and international partners | |
3.    Public education for road users and NMT | |
4.    Encourage best practice / standards, norms and enforcement for safe road usage | |
D Capacity development in the road sector | 1.    Adequate skills in the roads industry through establishing training and education needs and presenting courses to meet these needs |
2.    Investigate alternative up-to-date teaching techniques | |
3.    Student support for studies congruent with the aims of SARF |
The membership profile of SARF is largely defined by the make-up of the roads sector, which can be broadly divided into three sectors:
- Road providers
- Roads users
- Academic/research organisations, learned societies and professional bodies active in the road transport.
As SARF continues to develop after more than 69 successful years in the industry, the benefits of becoming a member of the organisation continues to grow. Â As a Level 1 BBBEE accredited organisation, you can expect a procurement recognition of 135%