Basil Jonsson negotiated for Scott Bloxsom who presents a Managing Infrastructure Assets course for the International Road Federation (Global) to present this course in Pretoria from 17 – 19 July 2017.

Basil Jonsson approached Phil Hendricks of Aurecon for permission for SARF to use one of their training venues in Pretoria for this Managing Infrastructure Asset Course.

40 Engineers and technologists from NDOT, SANRAL, Western Cape Province Government and a number of Consulting Engineers in South Africa and Mozambique attended the Managing Infrastructure Assets course

Scott Bloxsom is an energetic and very knowledgeable engineer who was born and educated in Australia and currently lives in the United Kingdom.

The 40 delegates were assigned to a group.  7 groups were created on the first day and the delegates worked in these groups.  Each person in each group was tasked with reporting back on a specific part of the course.

Day one concentrated on Strategic Assets Management and the Organization.

Day two dealt with Tactical and Technical Asset Management Aspects, which included Asset Management Plans, Asset Data and Information, Asset Information Systems, Lifecycle Planning, Investment Planning/Funding Levels, Work Programme/Scheme Development.

Day three basically brought the first two days together in Operational Asset Management and service delivery.

Scott Bloxsom has the knack of getting every one of the course delegates to participate in the discussions.

This was the first SARF/IRF Global course that was presented in South Africa.

The delegates received two certificates, a SARF certificate that was accredited by ECSA for 3 CPD points and one from IRF Global.

Dr. Les Mills who is the IRF Global Manager; Africa Programs joined Scott Bloxsom on the Managing Infrastructure Asset training course.  Basil Jonsson arranged for Dr Mills to meet with Mr Chris Hlabisa N DoT-DDG for Transport.

The MIA Groups listening to Scott Bloxsom

Scott Bloxsom Front Row far right and the MIA group on the 3 day
The MIA 3  IRF Global Certificate


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